The Adventures of Lowa

Tuesday, January 25, 2005


So today, like the past weeks, has rushed by really fast. I think I have a new outlook to my days...before I would dread having to stick around all day for a few classes. The days were slow and I just wanted to be home to relax. Now I just take each day for what it is (hopefully a really good learning experience) and try to enjoy the thrills and challenges that it holds. Yesterday and today were fairly busy, yesterday particularly so, having to go straight from 9-4:30 without a stop for lunch or a break or anything. I returned home for approximately 30 minutes to change and each some lunch/dinner, and then went to studio class. When I got home it was only 7:30pm, and hours were left for me to finish up school work, relax, etc. I almost dread tomorrow (well, almost) because I only have two classes, and enough time inbetween to practice and do my other school chore-ish activities. I should be home for the day by 12:30pm. Crazy. Let's hope I can get a headstart on future work that needs to be done.

...I like the idea of daily blogging, but more than not if I've had a really busy and somewhat interesting day, I'm too tired to write about it. If I've had a boring day with no extraneous thoughts to share, who wants to read about it in a blog? Ah well. I can write what I want, it's your choice to skim through the mess of it :)

Tonight Adonis and I went to dinner at Le Petit Cafe, a family owned restaurant that cooks in the style of Provence. It was a cute space, and you felt like you were at someone's home. The place was originally a garage, I think, which is sorta funny to think about...The selections were few, but they were all very fresh and tasty...even the bread was right out of the oven. The owners, a couple, were very nice--the wife sweet and dainty, the husband bold and funny. Adonis and I split an appetizer, had soup, an entree, and split a dessert, for under $25 each. Definitely someplace to check out if the desire stirs you.

Well, I'm off to bed to do a little reading, watch a little tv, call mom, and go to bed. Bonne nuit~


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