The Adventures of Lowa

Friday, January 21, 2005


DUMB [dUm]: 1. someone who returns their rented dvds to the wrong video store 2. me
(side note--Thank you blockbuster for keeping the video gallery dvds I rented, and placing them on the side with a stickynote attached asking Chad what was up. Thank you man at blockbuster desk who did not treat me like an imbecile when I realized I didn't own a blockbuster card but somehow thought that I had rented the videos there and then returned them on time. Thank you video gallery lady who understood that I'm dumb (see definition above) and since it was "my first time" gave me a discount on my late fees)

RELIEF [ri (actually backwards upsidedown e, but it does not exist on this computer) lif]: 1. a feeling you get after a voice lesson which assures you that you are not crazy. 2. realizing you remember more aria lyrics than previously thought, making something which you thought impossible possibly possible.

GREAT! [greIt]: 1. what one might exclaim after having experienced relief (see definition above). 2. what one might whisper to themselves (while still keeping the exclamation in there) when they realize that the library does not seem to have a book to help them easily translate the aria mentioned in a definition above, which they would need when they cannot seem to find the translation they have already made (refer to dumb definition 2).


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