The Adventures of Lowa

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Graduated, vacationated, and now back in b-town for summer follies

Being home for 3 weeks was relaxing, and I certainly got a lot of crafty projects in. I was suckered into the literary world of Christopher Paolini (a young pipsqueak homeschooled writer, who nevertheless I find enjoying to read). He's 2/3rds the way through this fantasy series about a dragon rider named Eragon, and it's half like Harry Potter, and half like Lord of the Rings. An easy read, and fun. I'm excited for the final book of the trilogy, though not biting my nails over it or anything.

I managed to cross stitch myself to oblivion while at home, and also clean out a few rooms of houses (not only mom's) and do a little elementary beading. Luckily Andy came to visit for a week and saved me from my lack of things to do.

We drove back to b-town over two days (tuesday and wednesday) to get me here for my orientation at my new job. I'll be working as a companion for the elderly, for a company called Home Instead Senior Care. Everyone has been really nice, and I'm really happy that I won't be stuck in an office all day, or doing retail work. I'm a little nervous for my actual first day (this tuesday) but I know it'll turn out great, and the hours are flexible enough where I'll still have time for other things (aka: school, when it starts up again in late August).

Being back in Bloomington has taken a little bit of readjusting to, but I'm happy in my apartment, which is quite less cluttered than home in Poughkeepsie. I marveled at all the empty space for the first whole day I was here--and those of you that know, I've got quite a lot of furniture and stuff-in-general.

My first night back I got to see Adonis after a VERY long time away, which was really great. We got chinese (from my new favorite take out place in b-town, which is really really yummy, in my opinion--Sunny Palace, near Kroger on College Mall) and movies, and just relaxed here. More fun together is on the way soon, I'm sure :)

Today I got back into the swing of hanging out with more of my friends--Emily and I went to Lake Monroe to tan and relax and talk on the beach (as beach as it gets for a land-locked state), and then I went to Suz' for dinner and drinks over lots of talk and pictures and scrubs episodes. It was an overall great day in which I got very little accomplished, persay, but felt busy the whole time, in a good way.

Alas, I have more crafts projects and a book to get to. Being alone in my apartment at night without tv is actually quite an odd thing. I've given it up for the summer months in hopes of reading more (like last summer in San Fran) and feeling more productive. In fact so far it just feels quiet and lonely. I guess being home with mom so long really keeps the ears adjusted to a higher volume of living, haha.

Overall, it's good to be back. Really.