The Adventures of Lowa

Monday, July 03, 2006

One month later...

I've got 2.5 jobs
I am singing in choir for scholarship money
I've got no television
my boyfriend has left Bloomington permanently
I have discovered the joys of the library

So, as the list is in no particular order of importance, I'll attack it in random order too:

Though I'm not working more than a combined 40 hours a week, I have 2.5 jobs (plus choir, so it's like a total of 3 jobs). I was first hired by Home Instead, a company providing non-medical aid and companionship for the elderly. We help them so they can stay in their homes and try to stay independent. I did 2 or so weeks of 20-30hrs. a week, and then the hours starting getting smaller, as many of the incoming clients' health has been declining (or stopping all together, shall we say). I was then called by my apartment complex for an interview, which I took, and was subsequently hired a few nerve-racking days later. Turns out that the companionship job doesn't mind how inflexible my hours-available are now, so I work for them Thursday mornings and evenings (and perhaps an occasional other time) and work in the Heritage office 20 hours a week. Pepper the schedule with a normal 4.5 hours of choir a week (unfortunately in the middle of the day) and 4.5 hours of companionship for a lady at Meadowood, and that's my schedule.

Though it will have to be rearranged when the school year starts, it's really not bad. I'm upset that I don't have any long weekends until Sept., as I have to work Fridays and Saturdays at the office here, particularly in August (which is the busiest month) but as for a day off here and there, I don't really need it. I can get out all evenings but Thursdays, and have no cable to keep myself glued to the tv-screen for entertainment.

As for tv, I've discovered the joys of the public library over the summer--lots more movies available! They've got zillions of VHS, and quite a good selection of classic or older DVDs. You can take out an unlimited amount, and keep them for a week. I've been getting 5 each Monday, and it gives me something to watch when I'm getting ready for bed, or am bored. I've also been excited about reading any books I want, which is such an old concept, yet strange to our generation, I think, which loves Barnes and Noble and Borders and Amazon, etc. Not that I don't love those places, for certainly I do, but it's nice to be able to give a book a first shot, and not have to own it if it's something I can live without.

You know, I've been recalling last summer a lot, and living in San Fran with Anna and Naomi. The program we were in was ok, at least for the time being...But San Fran was amazing. I loved where we lived, and Adored the part of town where the program was--New Chinatown. Food was pretty cheap, and it was wonderful. Fresh sushi or dim sum all the time, and an incredible bakery and cafe, and used bookstore with bargain bins overflowing at $1-2 a book. I read like crazy, and Naomi and I exercised for 40 mins/night. I just cannot motivate myself to read as much and exercise living alone, and I don't know why. I suppose having this internet connection is a large part of the problem, though I can't bear the thought of not having it.

...Andy is officially gone for the summer, and I really don't know when I'll get to see him next. It was wonderful seeing him all the time this last month, and I certainly miss him being here. I feel badly about not having the time to visit him in Wisconsin for the entire summer---perhaps if I get a Monday off in August I'll be able to take 3 days for a short trip. Otherwise it'll be up to him to make it out here, which isn't really fair, but due to the circumstances, I guess the only way around it for now. I also really wanted to take a trip to L.A. to see Rachel, as I had promised not only her, by myself that I would. If I only have 2 days off in a row, it's not going to do me much good. I guess I'll see what I can do when I get my august work schedule.

...I've realized that there isn't much to do in Bloomington. Not that I didn't realize this before, but over the summer months people look at every night as a night to go out, and therefore I think realize how easy it is to end up doing the same old thing (which for me is making a good meal, and watching a movie, occasionally with a homemade dessert in hand by mid-flick). I enjoy this, but at times it gets boring. Then there's the bar scene, or going out for meals, but mainly eating out is always more expensive, and when you're getting something that's no better than what you can make at home, is it worth it?
...Even when I lived in NYC, when I was an RA and my social life was spending time with the other RAs, it didn't cross my mind that this responsibility cut-off my social life. There were always these friends just a floor or two away, and even on our free nights, we would do the same things we do here in IN, except for the fact that the scene was better in NYC (but we certainly paid for it, most of the time).

So, I'm rambling now, which although it's a month worth, is way too much for one entry. Until next time...


At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you started posting again, Laur! I've been checking frequently and it was nice to see a new one up today. Yay library!


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