trying to get motivated...
I'm a slug. Sloth. Lazy energy-less person.
This morning is the first morning of the semester I've managed to wake up at my old standard time (6:15) to be able to take a slow morning approach and get to school by 8am for my 2 hours of practice before class.
For some reason, I'm not dying at this moment, but perhaps that's because I've switched out my decaf for a lovely Large mug of regular. Tasty, tasty. Anyhow, perhaps also my longer days due to opera rehearsals have left me feeling more motivated and part of something. I think the busier I am the better I feel. It doesn't help, however, when I'm sort-of busy with things that aren't so fun, and then all I want to do is sit around.
Plus there's so much planning to do for just 6 months away, when my life will be completely a great way, but also a scary one. My first time since age 2.5 that I won't have been in school for at least a few hours a week. The first time I'll be permanently living with someone other than family (but not for long!!!) in an apartment smaller than ~750 square feet. I fear that my lack of structure will lead me to a less constructive practice schedule--but considering Andy practices from 7-8am and then a few hours after work, I'm sure he'll keep me focused. We'll never see each other, but at least we'll be working and practicing and rehearsing! Haha. The joys of a young married life, not to mention the life of musicians for decades.
Anyhow, on a brighter note (with a twinge of jealousy) my mom's started her Aruban vacation this past Sunday, and while it snows here, she's got her feet deep in the sand, soaking in the sand and salt and swimming with all the gorgeous fish. Sigh. One more year, and I'll be there too!
Before I miss the bus, and dash my plan for a very productive morning, I best be off. If I don't write again until post-production, come check out the first opera of the New Year--Feb 2/3 and 9/10 (Adonis and I are in 3 and 9). My role is small, and my entrance is at the very last twenty minutes or so, but it's fun and definitely not the standard opera fare :)
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