So I've completely ignored this blog for months, and I know I'll continue to steadily ignore it, as I've also been away from AIM for the whole semester. I guess I'm just ready to phase out of the college life.
So much has happened since my last entry, and now that I've got a good bit of work to do to catch up after a long Thanksgiving break, it's probably not the time to recount it all. I did survive until the long awaited vacation, however, and took an extra week for part 1 of the audition rounds. In the end, I only ended up singing for 1 opera company while away, but I was planning on singing for up to 4 when I made the travel arrangements. The extra week of break flew by, and I know I did a lot of nothing. Now I'm back and have to cram in the week I missed, plus the current week and finals week into 4.5 days. It's not going to be pretty. Plus I just found out that my Italian final exam won't be ready by the time I leave, so I may have to take an incomplete for the course. Blah. Also, I missed an exam this past week, and have to retake it tomorrow (during the time I'm at work, somehow) and I don't even know what's on the exam. Though I know this course is not important in the overall scheme of things, it's annoying to know I missed all of these things, for a 7 minute audition.
I did, however, get reaquainted with NYC, and saw more of Andy, after another 5.5 week time apart. He had to work and rehearse a lot, which actually left us speaking almost less than we do over the phone long-distance..but even the one full day with him was enough for the trip. Sigh.
Well, I have to go write a paragraph or three on Dante's first canto of the Divine Comedy, and also do a little extra credit assignment or two to make up in advance all the things I'll mess up on the make-up exam. Bleech.
I need to start catching up with everyone next semester. I've been really hermity, I know. I'm just ready to move-on, and I get my practicing/classes/work done, and then want to stay home. Come January, I need to get out of my shell. Until then, I really do love returning to my very own apartment, and will be pleased to have some time alone for a few days..
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