The Adventures of Lowa

Friday, May 20, 2005


I'm still here. I'll be here for 31 more days. Eek. That's a very long time.

Let me straighten a few things out--I don't hate being home. In fact, it's very relaxing. A little too relaxing. I've realized over the years that the busier I am, the more I get done in my spare time. I know that sounds a little bizarre, but if I have a whole day free, I'd rather keep it free and do absolutely nothing than add one little thing to it, marring it permanently. Alas, I've been doing a whole lot of nothing in the afternoons.

Work is going fine. I could always work 8 hours a day instead of 4, but I feel like there are only so many hours a day I can do the same exact thing and talk to complete strangers or their answering machines. I figure that's logical reasoning.

I've been practicing a bit, but not enough, and reading, but sad to say I'm not in love with Arrowsmith, my current read. I refuse to quit it, so I only hope my next book captures me more. There are a lot of books I'd like to read, including Life of Pi, and Anais Nin's journals. I'd be really excited if Wally Lamb, Clive Barker, or Fannie Flagg wrote anymore books--I rarely look for books under author, but those three (and I admit, Stephen King's older classics) always keep me happy and engrossed. It's such a bummer when you're in a middle of a book that you can stand to put down. Sigh.

My standard distractions are no more--no more high speed internet, no more IU friends, and no more living alone. I'm actually looking forward to shopping on Sunday. Please, get up off the floor and back into your chair. It's for the company a lot more than for the shopping--hugs to Leanne and Kaitlyn, my two pretend sisters.

I'll be in the city (NYC) June 1-4, and then back again the 14th and 15th for Met in the Park! Start keeping your fingers crossed that it doesn't rain--particularly for June 14th, 8pm. Tosca, my favorite opera to date will be performed. I can't forget last summer when a few of us planned to see Barber's violin concerto, and sat under a garbage bag in the rain until they cancelled it. Blah. :(

Well, since my life is so absolutely interesting right now, I suppose I should leave you to ponder it all. Haha.

Ciao for now~

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

still home

things around here are less boring, but seemingly still not exciting. I am now working at a dr.s office, making calls to those people who have not brought their children in recently for their annual physicals. When I'm not working there, I've been lounging and practicing, and trying to make anything work on one of the two computers now at the house (my laptop and our home computer). Alas, I feel as though I have computer virusues living at the tips of my fingers, waiting to slow down the already atrocious dial-up connection we have here. It's been particularly painful because I left a few installation CDs and my camera cable back in Bloomington, and after having that horrible hijacker and completely erasing and reinstalling windows on my laptop, I haven't got many interesting things to work with.

So, things I've noticed here in poughkeepsie:

-performing for a group of older jewish ladies can be fun and rewarding. Dodef and I did a 30 minute concert on Monday for a fundraiser, and it was great. Picture should be on the blog if I can make it through the arduous downloading process.

-driving places in poughkeepsie takes about twice as long as in Bloomington, due to the fact that Bloomington is just so compact.

-I don't really know too many people that still live in Poughkeepsie--thank god for mom, Leanne, and even Buttons, my sweet and cuddly bichon.

-working in an office again is like working in an office again. the situation always seems to be the same, no matter where I am and what I'm doing.

-getting up at 7am during the summer sort of stinks.

-having wednesdays off is awesome, unless you use the whole day doing chores and cursing at a computer screen.

that's enough noticing for now. I'll be at work in 9 hours, prepping to make another 100 calls before lunchtime rolls around. All for a measley $7-something an hour. Woohoo :)

Nighty night!

Dodef and Lowa at home after a fun concert!

Monday, May 09, 2005


Wow, I am so proud. Kaia and I left B-town at 4:15am on Saturday morning, and by Saturday night 8pm b-town time, I was back in Poughkeepsie. Woohoo! Pretty good for someone who hasn't driven much the past 7 years. It wasn't even as bad as I thought it would be, thanks to lots of great CD mixes.

Well, I'm going to run off to play with Buttons, my sweet dog, and clean up a little around here. Visiting Manhattan Tuesday night and all Wednesday to see Sliker, and I'll be back in the city soon after to see many other wonderful people! I only wish it were as beautiful here as it is in Bloomington--it was in the 50's here yesterday, and b-town is supposed to be 90 by wednesday. I'm so jealous. At least it'll be warm enough here to sit outside and read :)

A domani-