Say wha?!
To quote my teachers thus far:
Schwandt (ear training):
"Click your heels 3 times, ride the circle of fifths, and you'll be back to the tonic."
"Yes, that's a Maior sound, just in case your weren't sure" (what we students are known to mumble to the prof. when we can't decide between major and minor)
"You could have Hilda the Yodeler" (don't know what this was talking about, but I wrote it down anyway)
"Stratificationerie" (to stratify, having been stratified, what?)
Kiesgen (vocal ped):
"A person that is totally relaxed is either inebriated or dead." (he says this almost every class)
"Oh, let me just tell you a quick story" OR "that reminds me of this joke..." (again, said every class)
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