New Post
Alas, a lot of my NY friends and family have inquired as to why their computer isn't showing my blog page. We then realized it was because I haven't updated in a week and a half. Oops! Guess that was their way of telling me to get on the ball with this!
Things here are mainly the same as always:
1)I sing. Recently I've been singing well, and thanks to my fantabulous teacher and her confidence in me, I believe I will be singing really well. Let's hope the reallys just start piling on there, really really fast :)
2) Classes have been happening, and they pass by leaving me relatively unscathed. Nice.
3) I've now signed up for netflix for those moments in the future where I'll want to do something fun, yet will be at school from 9-4, rehearsing from 4-5:30, masterclassing from 5:30-7, and rehearsing again from 7-10pm. When I get home I can now pop in a DVD and relax. Whee ha! I've seen 3 movies so far, and it's been easy, is relatively cheap, and I can rent all the silly cheesy movies everyone else has either already seen or definitely don't want to see. :)
4) I've been horrible at keeping up with my MSM friends--if you're reading this, please forgive me! I have generally never been a good friend of the telephone, and I haven't been calling you back. I'm horrible. Sliker especially, I hope you are feeling much better and that everything is going really well in NY. Miss you lots. As for Twisha, we haven't talked in sooo long. I hope that you are keeping busy, loving your new voice teacher, and are enjoying making wedding plans? ;) Bug, you know I love you, I'm sorry we haven't talked in a while, I'm getting update emails from mom youngbug, and I love reading them. Congrats on the new job and new singing gig! Good luck with all the overly cheerful kids and singing that high-D!
5) Dodef is visiting for a few days this coming week! I am so unbelievably excited and touched that he's arranged to come to b-town to see me. Stinks that Magic Flute rehearsals start this week. Hopefully we'll still have lots of time for catching up and lots of laughter. Any recommendations on things I should show Dodef in b-town are greatly appreciated.
6) Hmm, can't think of a 6. Time for bed instead :)
the Lowa
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