Holiday weekend (pictures too!)
Well, the weekend is over. Only finals await. Woohoo. Can't I wait...
So, to catch up a little:
Friday: History class at 8am--Ouch. The last class--Yes! Thus marks the completion of 1/4 of my master's degree. That's a scary thought. Then I did some Christmas gift things, watched some tv, and partied! Adonis and I went to Lennie's for our friend Nick's 22nd birthday, and then we followed that with the Holiday party at Noelle and Eliza's house. This party was just fantastic. Wine, different fondues, lots of my wonderful friends, and music and dancing. A good time was had by all (see pictures below).
Saturday: I don't remember. I slept in (after mom called me at 8:30am!) and drove Susan to her car. I put together some music, and gosh knows what else. The time flew by, and my apartment looks like a pig sty. That's all I know. Wish I could report a tantalizing and scrumptious story, but there will be none of those this semester. At least not on my blog...
Sunday: (today!) Slept-in. That was great. Then I showered, hopped into my bikini, and studied for about 6 hours. The studying wasn't so bad, because I mainly studied french, which I know for the most part. I just made complete semester vocab and verb lists, which felt very much like doing, and not studying. Not to mention I had on my bikini. (For those of you not in the know, my beach-wear is a very important part of heavy-duty study days. At Barnard College my first freshman year, I had an amazingly hard English course. I was getting C-'s on my first papers, and was under tremendous pressure living with 3 english whizzes. Darn AP Bio person I was, I wasn't much for writing papers...Anyhow, the one thing I could do while writing these papers was to put on a bikini and some sunglasses and flip flops. I could attempt the re-creation of a beach feel, and then write in a good mood. As it were, it's almost turned into a goodluck charm with a kind of Pavlovian feel...I put on the bathing suit today, and completely avoided computer and tv use. I was studious and productive. Yay! It's all about the bikini.
I followed the studying with Church, where we sang carols and such and then had a festive mass. (I can't believe I'll be home in Poughkeepsie next Sunday...)
Alas, that was it. My weekend is over. Je dois etudier pour l'examen de francais. Je prefere dormir, mais l'examen est demain. Je veux avoir des bonne notes. (Yay, I know something!)
Sogni dolci (gotta get the Italian in there somewhere)~ Lowa

Christmas party--the girls