The Adventures of Lowa

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

random thoughts

you know, every monday or tuesday I tend to ponder the weekend on my walk to the bus stop. Next weekend, that is. I so quickly forget that I have just had 3 days (3!!! incredible) to get my stuff together, relax, sleep, hang out, etc., and am already prepped for more classless days.

Recently I feel like most of my time out of the practice room seems wasted, and I'd rather be singing or working on my singing than doing anything else. It amazes me I haven't felt like this earlier before, at least to this capacity.

It seems to me that this year things are taking me a lot longer to accomplish. I don't know whether this is because I have so many more things to do, or that I just care to do them more satisfactorily. It doesn't seem like either of these answers is right, though something's gotta give. I'm practicing more, spending more time in the library....what's going on?

I was also listening to the radio in the car on the way home from grocery shopping (wow, 4 prepositions in a row, jeez) and was changing from station to station...I used to listen to the oldies all the time, and I guess I just got bored of it one day, realizing that instead of playing the same 20 songs over and over for a few months without switching, they play the same 500 songs over and over for ever. I did love those songs though, and listening to the station for a few minutes almost dragged me away from this time period, and I could imagine myself driving along in the late 50's, living some really weird, totally different life, having completely different priorities and situations. I know I'm going off on a tangent, but for a few moments, music can take you damn near anywhere, have you believing almost anything.

That led me to a different thought completely...I wonder what life would be like if I just decided I wasn't going to work. That I didn't need a job, didn't have to worry about acheiving any particular goals, and just stayed home. [Certainly I know that staying home and being a parent or whatnot can be the most difficult and brain-frying job out there, but those thoughts aside...] Even the thought of working a "9-5" job, with no desire to advance further, no need to prove anything to's just scary. Life could be so much easier just working to live instead of living to work...but I would be so bored and unsatisfied that I'd probably short-circuit at age 28 and become some kind of half-alive shell of a person. You know, I realize that 90% of the time I meet someone new, the first thing I ask after we introduce ourselves is "so, what do you do?". Such a focus of life. Interesting, interesting...

I guess I don't have too much more to rant about as of this moment (or at least I'm too tired from grocery shopping to care). My friend Vasiliki is coming over to dinner tomorrow, and I'm psyched. We've been trying to plan a get together for quite some time, and finally we're going to get to relax a bit outside of the IU choir-system. Haha. Hopefully a lot of good food will be had, as I'm happy to have a few hours to cook (and will need to do lots of cleaning!) so we can eat well. I'm planning on some roasted chicken (thanks Kaia for showing me the easy way!) in either an orange or garlic marinade, artichokes, and perhaps some pasta. Then raspberry truffles for dessert. (gosh, it sounds like I'm preparing like a donna reed, back to the thought earlier...)

Either way, Yay! Gourmet [oh boy, I'm rhyming, get me out of here] a few times a semester.



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