Studio Party!

Today Ms. Wise had us all over to her house for our studio party--this is almost all of us (some had to leave early to rehearse). It was really a great gathering, and I think we've got quite a group of sopranos. Glad I brought my camera, as we definitely should document this beautiful bunch of people :)
I definitely had my tuckass kicked in my lesson today---in a good way. We worked really hard, and to avoid getting too technical, really tried to reign my support in. By the end of the lesson my back and abs were aching, a very good sign indeed.
Another goal of this semester: take more risks. Taking a lot more risks when it comes to singing--being more opinionated when it comes to my presentation, really going out of my way to say what I've decided I'm going to say with the way I present it, singing anywhere and everywhere I can...whether or not I feel 'safe' or completely prepared (while still being prepared). I've got to stop being scared of getting out there and doing something potentially completely wrong. Mistakes are the only sure way of learning how not to do something...
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