scattered thoughts

[The picture above is a group of us from Basoti (Anna, Laryssa, myself, Gabriel, and Naomi). Fun times.]
...I feel like I have so many goals and expectations this year, and I'm not really pleased with anything at the moment. I just feel like I'm living mediocrely, and it's driving me crazy. I need to start making more lists, and feeling that satisfaction when I check things off. Being a musician also means that things never really get checked off, as you never reach the completion of learning something. It can always be better, and therefore you need to convince yourself of what constitutes success. It's a little frustrating.
Today Kaia and I are going for a long walk--in an attempt to get outside and get our heart pumping. We could go to the gym, but why not take an hour or two and check out some new neighborhoods and get a great cardiovascular workout at the same time? Granted, we won't be running, but it's warm enough outside that if we keep up a fast pace it should be affective. ...Adonis and I totally pigged out last night at Red Lobster, and then we got frozen custard afterwards. I was so good this summer with my eating (for the most part) and I don't want to ruin my efforts now.
What other random things can I say? My apartment never seems clean anymore--I don't know why, but there are always papers and clothes and odds and ends everywhere. I've suddenly become a slob (no mom, I wasn't always one, thank you for thinking that) and it's driving me crazy. Sigh.
Well, maybe I should go do something about it before Kaia calls. Must be productive. Must be productive...
i would really love to join you guys on your walks. :)
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