The Adventures of Lowa

Monday, April 04, 2005

79 in the sun

I've noticed that it's warmest in IN around 2-5pm. This is quite different from NY heat, which starts around 11 and simmers down around 3. At least that's how it always seemed to me.

Today it is beautiful, my terrace door is open and I can hear the birds singing. The lawn is rich green, and the sun is shining. In 30 minutes I will be held captive in a windowless basement room for hours on end, trying to get work done as I worry about my next entrance. Alas, it's dress rehearsal week.

Last time I blogged (which was quite recently, I believe) I was overjoyed with my crazy schedule. Today I am not feeling the love. It was busy (and still is), and nothing exciting happened. My voice was in a weird state, therefore completely ruining a good portion of the day. All I want to do is finish up the semester and enjoy time outside. Instead, every spare second I am trying to get more things done, as I know that I'll be cutting into precious sleep time if I don't. My goal is to finish everything important by my recital. That way I'll be really busy until then, but once that's over, the fat (skinny, ahem) lady has sung. Alas.

Tomorrow will be easier, I am sure. It's lots less busy, and I don't have to sing the dress rehearsal, which means I'll be trapped in a windowless space for a few hours, but without light too. However, I'll be entertained, as opposed to be entertaining. Who knows. I know I love it, but I'm ready for a break. Or at least something new.

Well, I better cut this short and get my things together and my laptop stored and ready for transport. I hope all is well wherever you may be reading this from.

A domani, Papagena


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