The Adventures of Lowa

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


So I'm not even sure what I want to write, but I have some time, and figured I would. So, here I am, without anything to tell you:

-I am sooo proud of myself for getting my book review done before 1pm yesterday. Go me for being so productive! It's probably not the best quality thing I've written, but I think it's pretty satisfactory, particularly for having to comment on a book that I didn't gobble up like the fiction books I read. For all beginning singers, the book I read is Richard Davis' A Beginning Singer's Guide. Less difficult to read than other books, which are primarily for teachers, or are full of anatomical drawings and extreme descriptions of exactly each part of the vocal apparatus and what it does each second of singing. This book was pretty all encompassing, even discussing how singers should interact with their teachers, accompanists (Joseph liked that part of the book) and peers.

-I sit here at 9am, with a cup of coffee, eating a dutch coconut cookie. Very sweet, and perfect when dipped into the coffee, quickly crumbling in my mouth. Yum. Another Aruba item. Seems like everything from there is a little bit of Heaven. Sigh. At least the sun is out today.

-I signed my Basoti agreement yesterday, and will send it out in the mail today. I was assigned another scene since, so now I'm an understudy, and in 3 scenes. Pretty awesome. Plus, all of the scenes should be really different, which is super exciting: Gilda from Rigoletto, Lucia from Rape of Lucretia, and Norina from Don Pasquale. One quartet, one full scene, and one recit and duet. I'm super psyched. Woohoo! And only one name ends in an -ina or -etta. Ooh, I'm movin' on up. This little soubrette is becoming a lyric coloratura :)

-I am determined to have my recital memorized by the time I get back (well, everyone else gets back) from break (6 days). Well, I hope to have it memorized by then. I might. The Barber are memorized, but still need to be fit perfectly with the piano. I think I'm adding the Durch Zaerlichkeit, which is memorized. 1.5 of the 3 German are memorized, and 1 of the 3 French is memorized. I have yet to decide on my Italian piece, so it's not really memorized yet. Eek.

-Adam and I are going to have a dessert making/eating evening Thursday, which should be awesome. Sorry I'm missing the one he and Suz are having tonight. Both should be fun, and I'm happy to have hanging-out plans with the Goose, as I don't know him very well.

-Joseph and I are perfoming in Po-town May 16th, and it should be awesome. I'm so happy we'll be performing together. It's a pretty formal event, so I can get all glamourous (haha, that adj. makes me laugh) and we'll enchant all the audience members, hopefully making it a successful fundraiser for Rochellie :)

Well, I'm off to warm-up and rehearse for my Saturday cantoring. A fantastic day to all. Special love to mom for being a great listener, and for loving me so much :)


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