The Adventures of Lowa

Monday, October 11, 2004

The Longest Day...

probably wasn't today. But it often felt like it. Actually, today was one of those days that I'd push to do one more thing, and then get a rush of energy from it. It's 9:45pm, and I'm feeling pretty accomplished. At least for today. I still have French homework left to do, but I suppose that won't take too long, and before you know it, I may be getting a good night's worth of sleep! Haha.
Since I amused myself some time ago by making a laundry list of my day's activities, I think I'll do it again:

6:08-7:10: shower, breakfast, prep for day
7:22-7:31: bus
8am-8:50: History
8:50-9:15: waiting for the choral office to organize itself, sign up for Bach choral audition time, check out diction exam posting (yay! I passed ALL of my diction exams!!!!)
9:15-9:40: Copper Cup with Adonis
9:45-9:53: bus to Foster Quad
10:10-11: French class
11:15-12: lunch with Meredith
12:15-1:45: practice
1:45-2:15: meeting with Kazuha to go over music
2:30-4: CVE (can't believe there's a concert on Sunday, eeek)
4:17-4:28: bus home
4:30-5:15: woohoo! change into gym clothes and check email
5:17-5:25: car to school
5:30-7: studio class
7:07-8:28: working out at the gym
8:37-now: shower, dinner, blogging!

Tada. Another long day. And this one was without Threepenny! It's actually one of my short days! Haha.
So, My picture tonight is of the infamous, fantabulous, diction master/accompanist/friend/etc./ etc. /etc.! extrordinaire: Dodidef!!! He's having a hard week, and I thought I'd put him up on here to have you see how adorable he is, and to get you sending positive thoughts his way...

Lowa & Dodidef, partners in crime... ;)

Buona notte, tutti!~


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