Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy
I made it through the week!
I made it through the week!!
I made it through the week!!!
I made it through the week!!!!
I can't believe I actually made it through. This was a rough week, and my sleeplessness didn't help the situation. Sorry I didn't write last night...I got back from rehearsal around 10:30pm, ate dinner, relaxed a bit, and got to sleep around 12:30. Not a lot of sleep, but better than most nights recently, and I woke-up pretty much ready for my (short) day.
[I'm trying to remember what I wrote in this blog, as I wrote the whole thing out 15 minutes ago, and when I tried to submit it, it was lost. Grr.]
Ah yes--I'm extending the deadline for The Lowa Quiz. Not many people took it--maybe it was too hard? A difficult week? Just silly? Either way, when I post the answers, you will all know some very random things about me, and that's always fun. Thanks to Ryan, Susan, and my mom (she didn't even know all the answers) for taking the challenge. You all did pretty well. We will see how well in due time :)
What else can I tell you all? Threepenny Opera is going ok, but it's a heck of a lot of time. Most of it I'm just sitting around, since it's pretty disorganized. At least I get some studying and reading in that way, I suppose. I have a music rehearsal for it tomorrow, from 4:30-6. Who wants to rehearse from 4:30-6 on Saturday afternoon/evening?! Now I can't do something in the afternoon, or the early evening. I hope it's productive, at least. Other than the rehearsal, I have no weekend plans. Adonis and I might go to Indy tonight after my cableperson comes to fix the jacks in the wall. Maybe when we come back from Indy we'll visit Dave at Travelodge. I think he should certainly have at least one visitor per graveyard shift :)
So, I made myself stir-fry for lunch and I want to sit and enjoy it before I start cleaning up the apartment. I figure if I clean up a little each weekend, it'll be easy to get it ready for the Halloween party! ...When do you think I should have it? Friday the 29th, or Saturday the 30th? Any suggestions on what we should do? (Costumes are definitely required!) I was thinking about pumpkin carving, eating candy and cookies (maybe decorate your own cookies? I can bake them ahead of time) and watching scary movies. If we watch the exorcist, someone will definitely have to stay here overnight. I can't sleep alone in the apartment after watching that!
Veering off of scary topics, here's a picture of the street I lived on when I lived in Italy for a summer. Mi manchi, Italia!

A piu tardi~
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