Another Monday bites the dust (phew!)
1 day out of 5 done. 1 exam out of 6 done. 1 rehearsal out of 7 done. Tada. The life of Laura's week has begun.
The only really great part of today was when Susan came over for dinner. We had lots of good talk, and I hope to have more Susan-Laura dinners in the near (and far!) future.
Alas, somehow my goals of being in bed by 11pm were foiled by trying to get rid of the red eyes I have in the next picture. The red-eye thingee wasn't working on this one, maybe because I scanned it in (I found a lot of great pictures! Yay! Now I can make my MSM picture collage. When I have more time, that is). Anyhow, on to the topic of today's picture (it's because Susan and I were talking about haircuts): Some of you have seen pictures of me with short hair, but this was the shortest it ever was. I may have been the only one who liked it, but it was easy to maintain (obviously) and I think it fitted my personality. Anyhow, for those of you who didn't know me when, tada. Lowa with the short brown hair:

So, I was thinking of putting an audio file on here, see how that works. So, I'm sending you all a jazz classic. This recording is owned by most of my NY friends, and I love it because it allows for fun things that could never happen when singing opera out--like getting your tongue stuck in your shoelace. :) Listen and you'll see what I mean.
ps-I've been told that emailing Lowa test answers is an extra step too much, so if you feel so inclined, click on the comments button after the post, and guess away! -L.
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