I'd like a tootsie-pop blackout, please ;)
Overall, today was a great day. My upstairs neighbors woke-(me)-up at 7:30am, which I was not pleased about considering I stayed up reading until 3am, but I was able to fall back asleep until my alarm went off at 10:15, so that was good. I started my morning making cookies, and then ate a leisurely breakfast while putting together my Threepenny libretto, and then reading some more. I went to a nice little potluck lunch (that's why I baked the cookies) for church musicians, and then came home and did some heavy cleaning of my apartment.
Ryan and Adonis then called to see if I wanted to get something to eat, and so I accompanied them to the mall. Adonis thought he lost his wallet, but luckily we were able to locate it--the bartender @ Crazy Horse forgot to return it to him last night. Phew.
Anyhow, I had a pretty good dinner at this Turkish place in town, and then met up with Adonis and Ryan again, and we headed out to crazy horse for a few drinks:

The small one closest to you, with lighter liquor on the top was mine: A Chocolate-covered cherry. My new favorite drink. I wish they could make them as actual drinks, but supposedly the liquor is hard to layer, and making it in larger quantities is pretty unheard of. Even for shot-sissies, this one is easy. You can even swirl it around in your mouth to savor it. So, to make this shot, you pour the alcohol in the glass in this order: grenadine, creme de cacao, kaluha, and baileys. Yummy yummy. The other drinks in a counter-clockwise motion were Ryan's (Jaeger), and Adonis' (surfer on acid...don't ask me what's in it, I don't remember). We didn't overdo it at all, and after talking about some interesting things, we called it a night. So, here it is, 3:15am, and I'm still not in bed. I'm going to get into my pjs, and fall asleep over my current book, The Green Mile. It's a Stephen King, and was made into a movie. I feel sad that I saw the movie first, but it seems like a pretty great replication of the book, so it's not so bad. It's a great story, and I recommend the movie to all.
Until the morrow (well, this afternoon)~
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