Have your cakes and eat them too...

So today was one big birthday celebration. Adonis and I spent the day going from one little party adventure to another. We went to the Oliver winery and did some wine-tasting with almost every entering grad singer here at IU (Amanda couldn't come, sniff sniff). We each tried 6-8 different wines, and I came home with a really sweet mead wine, which at first is a little too honey tasting, but then really grows on you. My other purchase was this delicious port...Mmm. I'll have to save them for a special occasion.
Then a group of 12 of us followed the wine tasting with dinner at Olive Garden. Not the best Italian food ever, but the company was great. Happy early birthday to both Liz and Stephanie!
Then Adonis and I jetted back to my place to pick up the cakes we made for Susan's party. The theme was sorta "bring a cake", and as you can see, a lot of us did! I made the chocolate and cream cheese cupcakes you see in the back right of the picture, and Adonis made the Strawberry Angelfood Cake, on the right side of the table. Both of our dishes were a success--tada! Happy early birthday Susan!!!
Adonis and I were both pretty tired from the day, and since Adonis signed up for the 8:30am mass tomorrow (well, he was asked to cantor as the signed-up cantor couldn't make it) we're both going to get up at the crack of dawn to sing tomorrow morning! We were the first to leave Susan's party, which was sad, but I am truly exhausted, so it's a good thing...
A domani (and sorry about not blogging last night)...
PS-so, as I type this, my sumo wrestler/football star upstairs neighbors are walking around. Our shared ceiling/floor is undeniably squeaky. I don't know when then sleep. I do know that they were moving around last night when I got to bed around 4am, and woke me up around 10am. They're up now, and I bet they might be up tomorrow morning before I get up at 6am. I've deduced that they sleep when I'm at class from 7am-4pm. Maybe even when I go to the gym. Obviously they don't sleep when I'm home. Jeez. I know they don't squeak the floor on purpose, but I don't know what they're doing up there to cause such a ruckus.
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