Weekend Weather and Procrastination
(in the voice of our very own Squidward Tentacles):
Ahhhh, what a beautiful weekend....

Yes, this weekend's weather was gorgeous. Ideal, actually. I am proud that I got up for an earlier mass today--mother nature was too generous with her sun and wind and cooler temperatures to stay asleep until noon.
Church choir this morning was really enjoyable--I met a lot of nice new people, and feel like I belong, unlike my last choir, which I loved, but never really felt like I completely fit in. All of the members had been members for so long, and I was just there for a year. Anyhow, that's another story. Let's return to Indiana for more IU-stuff. Yes, choir here was great. Adonis and I were the only singers that were graduate students (more of an older group at the earlier masses) but there is this couple, Patty and Chuck, who are the nicest people. I really would like to get to know them better---I would love to invite them over for dinner, but I somehow don't feel like that would work...I don't know. Grad student pad, two adults who are more successful at life...but you never know. There is just something special about them. We'll see...
So, Adonis and I met up with Susan after church, and we all ate brunch at her place. That was really relaxing and we all ate well. Thanks, Susan!!! Adonis and I then went to visit Ryan, spinning at TIS. We sat with him while he ate lunch, and then left him to finish his afternoon gig.
I've thus far finished my theory homework and have procrastinated working on my French project, as well as procrastinated practicing that piece I need to memorize for tomorrow. I'll happen. Eeek. Revert back to the picture of Squidward above to see what I'd really like to be doing right now...
And yes, those of you who don't already know (that might be non of you who actually take the time to read this)--I'm a huge fan of Spongebob Squarepants. I even wrote a children's opera on it (well, I didn't write the music, but I wrote the script). I'm a big dork, but I love it anyway. Anyone up for reverting back to your childhood (some of us have never given it up), let me know. I own the whole first season of Spongebob on DVD. :)
Ok. I really should be doing something productive. A domani (A' Demain) [until tomorrow]~
Embarrassing Moment of the Day: in church when we were giving the sign of peace (shaking hands with everyone) I turned backwards to give Adonis a hug. He was further away than I had anticipated, and I almost fell backwards. To catch myself I went to grab the back of my chair, but I didn't look to see where I was grabbing. I attempted about three times to steady myself, not realizing that my grabbing area was a little too far behind the chair...right where an older gentleman of the choir was standing. Needless to say, I was so embarrassed I started sweating. Note to self: NOT a good first impression to try to steady myself against a stranger's crotch three times in a row.
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