The Adventures of Lowa

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Another [early] day...and for those of you who may have had the same sorry misconception I've had all day---it's TUESDAY. Not Wednesday. That means tomorrow is NOT Thursday, which means the next day isn't Friday. Yeah, we haven't even reached the middle of the week yet.
Luckily the day ended well, as Kaia and I watched a movie (horrible movie, but still a relaxing venture) and now I'm pretty much ready to end my day and it's only 9:30pm. Woohoo! I may get to sleep by 11pm. 8.5 hours later and I'll be visiting the Copper Cup for my morning jolt of java-yumminess.

Fact of the day: 10% of the population doesn't have the gene that can smell the flower Freesia

Song of the Day (well, week): Dream On, by Aerosmith. More well remembered from a night of Cafe Wha? craziness. Check them out @


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