The Adventures of Lowa

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Big Purchase

TADA! Sorry the picture is blurry...this is what I bought myself yesterday! Yippee! Now we can have movie nights here in style. I had to move around my living room furniture, so it's not as open of a space, but it's cozy, and it was provide a nice outlet for me when I just need to collapse on the couch after a really long day.
I haven't written in a while, as my schedule has been super crazy, and I've been just completely exhausted. How to summarize the past few days? Liz, Amanda, and I landed roles in the community show of Threepenny Opera--come see us in November! In the meanwhile, we've got rehearsals 7pm-10pm, Sunday-Thursday. Now that I'm doing that 15 hours a week, I wonder what I was doing to keep myself to busy before this!
My French project and two exams this week went well. I just need to make it through next week. Eek. My plans so far for this weekend include sleeping a lot, and relaxing, and studying. :)
I hate to not update you on everything else (whatever that may be, as I've forgotten due to sleep-deprivation), but I'm going to try to get some serious relaxing in, and maybe even 7 hours of sleep!
A domani~


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