Thanksgiving break
Per usual, it's been a while since I've written. No surprise. Sorry about that. Once you get out of the normal daily blogging, I think it's quite difficult to jump back in. Well, now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, I figured to start this semester's remaining 3 weeks in blogging-style.
The Lowa update since my Bloomington departure:
Tuesday: smooth plane ride into NYC. Dinner with Joseph at Swish (yum yum) and then lots of talking. A few interesting things I've noticed about the city since I've been gone---there is a lot of garbage. everywhere. It smells a little funny. Darn clean IN air. Also, there just isn't a lot of free space. I still had lots of fun, and was ever so happy to see Dodidef. Too bad we only had a few hours of time together. MSM Spring break awaits for more Lowa-Dodidef time.
Wednesday: Train ride home to Poughkeepsie. Sad to say there was no snow. I prepared some thankgiving goodness with mom, read the book I borrowed from Amanda (The Alienist--quite interesting, a bit of historical fiction), and then met up with Leanne and Mr. M (and her new cat) and went out for sushi. No, the cat didn't get sushi, but perhaps she'd have been more sociable had we included her... :)
Thursday: Thanksgiving. Mom and I cooked. Oh yeah, we also cooked. Did I mention the cooking? We shared the holiday with the Zolniks (my adopted Aunt and Uncle)--the food was excellent, and as usual, the company great. We were all stuffed and exhausted by around 8pm. More reading ensued.
Friday: Eating leftovers. More eating. Leanne and Laura time .Oh yeah, Spongebob movie with Adrian and Mom (we were very disappointed. Bleech. I should have written the darn movie.) More eating. More reading.
Saturday: Crafts fair, a generally ickified day. But we did manage to assemble a pretty nice lookin' Christmas tree:

Mom and I then went to see The Incredibles. I had been waiting to see the movie since the very first preview almost two years ago. I was incredibly disappointed. Haha. Really. Another bad movie. More reading followed.
Sunday: EARLY drive to NY to catch an early (and then delayed) plane. Luckily we stopped in Flushing's mini Chinatown and I was able to pick up some yummy pastries. Bloomington-ites, I think we need a good Chinese bakery around here. We need to find one. Definitely. Anyhow, after coming back home, I put my things away, ate dinner, and then went to late mass with Adonis.
Common thread in my vacation:
2 bad movies.
2 new good books read .
Too much eating.
Monday awaits.
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