Personal Day.
Yes folks, today was my personal day. The only I thing I did outside the house was go to John Waldron Arts Center to sign in at 6:30 to make sure Liz was there for tonight's performance, and then come right back home. I completely avoided the temptation to sit at the computer or on the sofa all day, and was really quite productive, despite the fact that I didn't seem to get too much done.
1) I studied my french for our next quiz. I've felt particularly lazy nowadays, with all this Threepenny. I go to class, practice, come home, eat, go to rehearsal, and sleep. I study just enough to get good grades, but haven't been as organized at life as I've wanted to. Anyhow, from this first activity of the day I've secured the feeling that I want to prepare more and be a little more organized nowadays.
2) I made copies of music. This isn't a big deal, but it gets me thinking about all the music I should have ready to go by the end of the semester. I need to get my behind into the music libary copying down translations and IPA and everything like I did back when I had a little more time and energy. I also need to find a copy of two Strauss songs so I can get those in my binder so my spring recital is ready to get worked on. Also, this reminds me that deadlines for many summer opera programs are passed and gone. Luckily, most of those are still out of my league, but I need to get looking on a few more ideas for this summer before everything passes me by! Oh where does the time go?
3) I put together the listening lists for the remainder of our history tests. This took quite some time, as I had to put them on the computer and organize them, name them and categorize them, etc. This lesson runs into the same one from #1: Want to be more organized.
4) I Secured my train time for Thanksgiving break from NYC to Poughkeepsie, as well as bought my round-trip plane ticket home for the holidays. Let this be a lesson to all of you: a) a week ago the tickets were $80 cheaper. Get your holiday tickets now! Yesterday! Last week! Anytime but later would do. and b) sometimes the cheaper sites, such as cheaptickets, expedia, etc. don't have the cheapest seats. I got my tickets about $50 cheaper right from American Airlines.
So, that's pretty much all I did. It was great studying though, because I just put on rachmaninoff cd after rachmaninoff cd, and had a leisurely breakfast (mint hot chocolate, yummy) in my pjs and everything. It was thouroughly enjoyable, if I say so myself.
Alexis and Adonis came over for a taco dinner, and we talked and watched a movie. Jamie stopped by soon after Alexis departed, and then we talked for an hour or so. Now it's almost 2 am, and I'm happy to say I can sleep in tomorrow as well. I sure hope I don't need as much sleep after Threepenny!
Goodnight to all~
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