Amazing that another weekend passed so quickly. I guess last week as a whole went by pretty fast--that's what happens with a 3 day weekend! :)
Friday was a really fun day--I got my aparment cleaned for Rachel's arrival, and did some errands (ok, that wasn't really so fun). Then I went Rock Climbing for the first time, at a place south of town. That was really awesome, and a much more interesting work-out than going to the gym. I escaped with only 1 battle scar, and managed (with help of course) to climb a 5.8 or so. I feel good about that, and at the end tried a few minutes of bouldering (climbing low without ropes). That was challenging, and even more rewarding, I think. Hopefully I'll be back sometime.
When I got home I had about an hour to relax and then Rachel arrived! YAY! Plenty of parties and such were going on Friday night, but we went to Esan-Thai for a fantastic dinner, then came back here and talked and relaxed.
This official weekend was a combination of making a recording for Anna Jacobs, who composed some really fabulous music for her NYU application (I'm sure she'll get in, but I'll be really sad to see her leave!), and then relaxing at home with Rachel, watching movies, and just taking it easy. We're planning to go out Tuesday night after her audition, so whoever wants to come, we'll have a little bit of debauchery mid-week :)
Well, time to start the week. Wish I could take the day off and take Rachel to Nashville or something, but alas, singing awaits.
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