Well, after a week "off", I officially need a break! I flew home Tuesday night (Thanks Adonis, for driving me to the airport!) and arrived in Newburg, NY at 10pm. Over the next few days, much cooking was done, movies were watched, fireplaces were put to good use, and friendships were celebrated. Thanksgiving day was wonderful, as Leanne and her family came over to celebrate. We all had a great time, and I officially adopted 2 more grandparents :) It was really fun.
I took a plane back Saturday afternoon, got to my apartment at 10pm, left Sunday morning at 8am for my central city audition in Chicago, had my audition yesterday morning at 10:35am, and drove back here, arrived at 7:30, I had an 8:30 rehearsal, and then came home and crashed. I got about 8 hours of sleep, but I'm still totally exhausted. I've got rehearsals and/or concerts every single night this week until Saturday, when Adonis and I make a trip to Indy (Yay!). I'll upload pics from thanksgiving soon, though the ones I've red-eye corrected don't seem to be coming out on blogger. Sigh.
Hope all of your turkey days were fantastic. Can't wait to catch up with everyone (who knows when we'll all be able to fit that in our crazy schedules...)
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