Weeks this semester just go by too fast. I have no idea what time warp I'm stuck in, but please get me out. Actually, take me out only for the weekends, and during practice time. :)
10 highlights from this week, in random order:
1-I've spent way too much time on my Song Lit. listening assignments. The first one took just about 1 hour, they've bumped up to 2.5 or 3. Maybe even more. Bleech.(well, that wasn't a highlight, obviously)
2-This weather has been gorgeous. Yesterday I did my work here with all my windows open, in my bikini. Ahhh.
3-Caught up with Adonis after a long (few day) hiatus :) It was great to talk over chinese food, at our usual table at Great Wall.
4-Dinner with Susan last night, more good chatting (particularly about planning the Lowa Halloween fest)
5-More time with Garth. :)
6-Zuckowski missed Opera Lit tuesday, we had the day off!
7-Finally did the doll song in class. Moved around like a crazy nut, technique gave out slightly. Overall I made it through, but it's gonna need lots more work before Oct. 21st.
8-my cappuccino making is now pretty solid. Yes! Soon I'll order actual espresso beans from Caffe Trieste.
9-roughly quoting from Effron: "Being humble is different than being modest. You can't be modest in this business, but you should be humble."
10-Looking forward to a short camping trip this weekend.
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