The Adventures of Lowa

Saturday, April 30, 2005

weekend to study...or not

Wow, in 1 week I'll be driving solo, just me and my tunes on the road back to the Northeast. Unbelievable. Other than two little final exams, I'm done with half my master's degree. Wonders never cease.

As reminded by my wife, Leanne Rose, I have not mentioned the reasons I will be happy to come home to Poughkeepsie. The list is short, but so important that I don't even need to remind myself of it, because it's a given! But, to clarify, I will see my wonderful mom, and my fantabulous wife of almost 18 years, Lan. :) It's going to be lots of fun! Thank goodness they both are there, as I would definitely go stir crazy in about 2 a half days. Maybe 2 and 3/4 days. Bubby-time is definitely in the works :)

I don't know what actual things I'd like to do when I get home. I mean, I'll certainly get a lot of reading done, which I'm really happy about, because I haven't actually finished a "fun" book since about October. There's always the movie theaters, but since I've signed up for netflix, we can just watch good movies at home for much cheaper. If the weather is nice (I am sure it will be, but it's hard to think about when it's still so freakin' cold here!!!) I would like to take some walks, and of course I'll be learning lots of new music. I forsee cooking a lot because both mom and I are used to cooking for ourselves. We can take turns making dinner, which seems to be a functional answer. It would be great to take a mini vacation to some beach...maybe Lan and I can go to Long Beach Island again? Unfortunately we'd have to wait until August, as it's not warm until then...or maybe we can split the driving and make our way someplace else that's a little warmer?

Well, this is turning into ranting, and it should really be in french to practice for my final exam. Je dois etudier pour mon examen. Je veux dormir, lire, et ecouter de la musique, mais je ne peux pas. vais relacher aussi. Peut-etre je vais relacher et demain je vais etudier :)

A demain~


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